hari ini. super mengesankan buat gw dan teman2 di SMP SANTA URSULA
1. ada pelantikan OSIS
2. ada pelepasan OSIS :(
3. hadiah dataaanngg!! wuuuu!
4. gak jadi story telling LAGI.
tadi pagi gw dateng langsung disamperin sama mochi-tamago tersayang gw
ngasih hadiah, dan gw bukanya di mobil ternyata itu BONEKA BERUANG LAGI
hahaha. thankyou sayanggg. yeah gw juga lagi demen sama TEDDY BEAR :D
gak tau deh knapa
trusss tadi gw lupa bawa naskah buat story telling
anjrit abis gw bener2 lupa. DAN GW MENGARANG DGN KATA2 SENDIRI
haha ternyata gak jadi juga tuh. amin amin.
besok juga ada CROSS COUNTRY buat junior2 baru.
semangat yah lu lu pada. siapin mental dah. buat yang nasibnya kayak gw.
kalo ada yg dpt itu. dijamin pas abis dr pos mental rasanya plong. hahahaha
ok sgitu dulu. bingung.
30 Januari 2009
28 Januari 2009
hari yang superbosanbanget
gila bosen banget hari ini nggak ada mb buhuhuhhhuhu..
soalnya ada interview staff gitu deh. trus sabtu ini gak ada lagi gara2 crosscountry.
nah lo.
gw emosian haha. enakan di sekolah kalo cross country. haha abisnya waktu itu banjir, RAWR!!
jadii hari ini berjalan seperti biasa.
dan gw lupa ada pr KIMIA & MATEMATIKA
untung gw lgsg nyalin secepet kilat. JENG JENG jadi deh
huahaha.. aduh sumpah bingung hari ini mau nulis apa
thankyouuu yah buat gabysayang dan olipimut atas hadiahnya yang WOW
gaby, laen kali bungkus kadonya jangan segitu banyaknya sampe 14 lbr. haha btw gw suka banget tuh KERO KERO PI huahaha thankyou atas usaha kerja keras kamuu buat bungkus kadonya. hehe :]
haha bingung mau nulis apa. yaudah deh.
soalnya ada interview staff gitu deh. trus sabtu ini gak ada lagi gara2 crosscountry.
nah lo.
gw emosian haha. enakan di sekolah kalo cross country. haha abisnya waktu itu banjir, RAWR!!
jadii hari ini berjalan seperti biasa.
dan gw lupa ada pr KIMIA & MATEMATIKA
untung gw lgsg nyalin secepet kilat. JENG JENG jadi deh
huahaha.. aduh sumpah bingung hari ini mau nulis apa
thankyouuu yah buat gabysayang dan olipimut atas hadiahnya yang WOW
gaby, laen kali bungkus kadonya jangan segitu banyaknya sampe 14 lbr. haha btw gw suka banget tuh KERO KERO PI huahaha thankyou atas usaha kerja keras kamuu buat bungkus kadonya. hehe :]
haha bingung mau nulis apa. yaudah deh.
27 Januari 2009
it's over and FORGET IT ALL
Although it wasn’t like this usually, a part of my heart feels dead like a robot
I’ve put him into my heart, I’ve been hurting so much, he’s my number one, though everybody objects himI don’t even know myself. No matter how many times I try to fix my heart, it doesn’t work
I know U know I want you. Nobody knows my feelings towards you
Dear, don’t listen to those nonsense filled stories
I, who trusts you the most in this world, is yelling out to the world
No matter what anybody says, you’re my crazy love
Though they say I’m crazy, Just can’t get enough
I hope you will acknowledge my feeling
People usually calculate, as if it’s an item you sell and buy, asking themselves what they want more
At times, I anticipate for a better love, but that’s not me
Beautiful things aren’t eternal,
But you’re the most special for you’ll believe me forever
It pains me that I make it hard for you,
Even if nobody knows how I feel, if it’s you, it’s fine.
DAY 6 : started to giving up.
It's raining late at night it brings you here I run at the end of memories
I could live fine without you, even if you beg it will come to no use
I drank the alcohol I couldn't drink, I even drank up the night that burned my heart
I hate it, a day without you is too long, I beg to finally forget about you
Without you, I have no smiles, no tears well up
I don't want to live anymore
I want to see you, but they say I can't, it's all over, I'll be right there
I still can't forget you. Even if it takes forever, even until I die.
I wonder if that hurt I gave you has healed, I'm sorry because I didn't do anything for you
DAY 7 : trying to holding back the tears
picture that gets smeared in white
And my fragrance that seems to have faded away
All get concealed by the glaring cloud
My heart that has no words
Slowly starts to move my feelings
Those times that slipped through
Are in my hands
I bring my two hands together again
To a place that will hear it
As I live though these unmemorable times
Though it seems stupid, we’re always together
The pain that I want to let go
Dries the tears that flows through my body
I'm holding back the tears
I walk trying to lossen the weight of my heart
To a place that is neither close nor far
Where a different me stands
I will not cry
I try smiling, laughing again today
this way, you’ll smile, laugh
because that girl keeps making you cry
whatever it takes i want to make you smile, laugh
to me, loving you alone
is so painful I can barely put up with it
but i’d rather die then to see you cry
for you, I try smiling, laughing again today
i love you since i love you
since im happy as long as your here
even though my heart aches i try smiling, laughing again
like someone who makes people smile, laugh
like someone who has no pain
I quietly cry behind you again today
my hearts becoming numb
at your slightest sadness
i hate that girl so much
she has all of your love
yet she still makes you cry, what more does she need
the endless tears keep filling up
i once again try to forcefully hide it
even though it hurts so bad as if im gonna die
even though this pain is driving me crazy
i smile, laugh
because i love you more
because i care for you more then myself
even if my eyes begin to cry i bear through it
even if i can’t listen to my heart
even if i can’t seek out my love
I try smiling, laughing in front of you once again today.
I’ve put him into my heart, I’ve been hurting so much, he’s my number one, though everybody objects himI don’t even know myself. No matter how many times I try to fix my heart, it doesn’t work
I know U know I want you. Nobody knows my feelings towards you
Dear, don’t listen to those nonsense filled stories
I, who trusts you the most in this world, is yelling out to the world
No matter what anybody says, you’re my crazy love
Though they say I’m crazy, Just can’t get enough
I hope you will acknowledge my feeling
People usually calculate, as if it’s an item you sell and buy, asking themselves what they want more
At times, I anticipate for a better love, but that’s not me
Beautiful things aren’t eternal,
But you’re the most special for you’ll believe me forever
It pains me that I make it hard for you,
Even if nobody knows how I feel, if it’s you, it’s fine.
DAY 6 : started to giving up.
It's raining late at night it brings you here I run at the end of memories
I could live fine without you, even if you beg it will come to no use
I drank the alcohol I couldn't drink, I even drank up the night that burned my heart
I hate it, a day without you is too long, I beg to finally forget about you
Without you, I have no smiles, no tears well up
I don't want to live anymore
I want to see you, but they say I can't, it's all over, I'll be right there
I still can't forget you. Even if it takes forever, even until I die.
I wonder if that hurt I gave you has healed, I'm sorry because I didn't do anything for you
DAY 7 : trying to holding back the tears
picture that gets smeared in white
And my fragrance that seems to have faded away
All get concealed by the glaring cloud
My heart that has no words
Slowly starts to move my feelings
Those times that slipped through
Are in my hands
I bring my two hands together again
To a place that will hear it
As I live though these unmemorable times
Though it seems stupid, we’re always together
The pain that I want to let go
Dries the tears that flows through my body
I'm holding back the tears
I walk trying to lossen the weight of my heart
To a place that is neither close nor far
Where a different me stands
I will not cry
I try smiling, laughing again today
this way, you’ll smile, laugh
because that girl keeps making you cry
whatever it takes i want to make you smile, laugh
to me, loving you alone
is so painful I can barely put up with it
but i’d rather die then to see you cry
for you, I try smiling, laughing again today
i love you since i love you
since im happy as long as your here
even though my heart aches i try smiling, laughing again
like someone who makes people smile, laugh
like someone who has no pain
I quietly cry behind you again today
my hearts becoming numb
at your slightest sadness
i hate that girl so much
she has all of your love
yet she still makes you cry, what more does she need
the endless tears keep filling up
i once again try to forcefully hide it
even though it hurts so bad as if im gonna die
even though this pain is driving me crazy
i smile, laugh
because i love you more
because i care for you more then myself
even if my eyes begin to cry i bear through it
even if i can’t listen to my heart
even if i can’t seek out my love
I try smiling, laughing in front of you once again today.
and my LOVELIFE is OVER.
thankies to :
.dhn yg slaluuuuu jadi tumpahan smua curhatan gw
.gabs olip tessa
.umma :]
.HIM yg udah GANGGU DI PIKIRAN GW and that's enough to me.
.si HB yang udh ceramah berhari2 buat bantu nmuin jawaban wlopun hasilnya sperti ini.
.buat yg di 'ATAS' thankyou banget udah ngerencanain ini semua dgn susah payah dan berhasil gw gagalkan. maaf beribu-ribu maaf.
26 Januari 2009
xin jia = hunting angpau
yeaa gw balik :D
sori lama gak post soalnya hari minggu tgl 25 itu gw ke LAMPUNG
udah 3 taon gw gak ksana. lama bener. hahaha.
pas nyampe sana tuh makan bakmi aben supwer duper enak maknyus abis dah.
abis itu jenguk saudara sepupu yang tersayang si HARRY :D
kasian kamu nak kena dbd. ckckck.
pas di rumah sakit itu, kita smua yg menjenguk dikasih tau kalo mau update foto keluarga.
tapi pake kemeja putih sama celana jins.
gw gak bawa jins. karena bokap gw gak ngasih tau kalo mau foto keluarga lagi tapi yang ngusulin pake kemeja sama celana jins itu BOKAP GW SENDIRI.
yah tapi jinsnya sih minjem juga jadi, untung gw bawa kemeja. HUAHAHHAHAHA..
tapi kali ini fotonya di rumah 'mami' gw yang backgroundnya lebih alami hahaha bukan editan gitu maksudnya....
yah pertama sih buat orangtua dulu baru dipanggil anak2nya.
yang seru tuh pas anak2 disuruh foto ngacak alias candid.
dan gw duduk kayak orang di warteg. HAHAHAHHA. gw gak sabar liat hasil fotonya.
udah gitu foto perkeluarga gitu. keluarga2 yang laen tuh posisi kayak foto formal abis.
sedangkan keluarga gw.. foto kaki nyeker sambil duduk.
dan gw make senyum super maksa.
soalnya puanas buanget gila kayak cacing kepanasan gw.....
yah setelah itu ganti baju daann makan :D
fasforward daaahh.. makanmakanmakan udah maleman lagi MAKAN LAGI BUSET DAH.
kali ini gw beruntung ikut ke lampung. HUAHAHHA.
gila makanan bikinan sendiri bookk.. gw makan 3 ronde. hahahha.
pulang2 gw nginep di rmh spupu yg gede banget itu.
tapi pas gw ktemu anjingnya yg bernama chikki itu ternyata dia kebelet kawin. HAHA.
jijik abis deh euh. tapi bulunya itu gak nahan kayak abis kesetrum langsung ngembang gitu.
gw tidur sama sepupu gw yg cewe super jeniussss.. panggil saja jackie :]
jadi pas udah tidur..
jackie : jo udah tidur yah?
jo : belom, nape?
jackie : tauk gak si blablablabla.. (membicarakan artis2 gitu)
jo : eh iya tuh iyaa masa si ini ini ini ini begitubegitubegitu blablabla.. (nyambung)
gak lama kemudian ada yang masuk ternyata itu si 'mami' nanyain udah pada tidur belom
yah kita pura2 kebangun, pas si 'mami' keluar kita pura2 tidur sebentar abis itu gosip lagi..
sampe gw tidur bener2 pules banget. bahkan gw gak inget kapan gw selese gosip sama sepuputersayang itu hahaha.
XIN JIA :D hunting angpau huahahah
jadi gw bangun jam 7 pagi lewat beberapa detik setelah sepuputersayang bangun
pas gw keluar ternyata koko gw udah mandi dluan secara dia bangun jam stgh 7.
serem banget. hahaha
jadilah gw ikut mandi abis itu gw dipanggil sama 'papi' buat dikasih angpau ulang taon gitu.
jadi gw dapet lebih banyak dari biasanya. hore hore hore..
abis itu ke rumah kung2 qionghi-an bener gak sih tulisannya ah bodolah
tapi hari ini gw pulang jadilah terburu2 beresin barang2..
nah udah sore sete;ah ngumpulin angpau gitu, gw balik ke rumah sepupu gw terus mandi sambil maen.. BATU
yah banyak yang gak ngerti gitu, jadi ini permainan dari gw masih kecillll buanget.
jadii permainannya seperti ini..
1. masing2 orang dapet batu dgn warna yg berbeda2 sebanyak 3 butir
2. orang yang ngejer / pencari yg megang batu musti tunggu sampe yg pgang batunya kabur
3. kalo yg ngejer ktemu sama yg pgang batu, yg pgang batau harus kasih 1 batu ke yg ngejer
4. kalo batunya udah abis berarti kalah.
YANG PENTING : BERSEMBUNYILAH DI TEMPAT YANG TIDAK MUNGKIN gakjelas deh gw ngmg apa gw sndiri gak ngerti hahaha
yah gw ambil batu yg warnanya ijo gitu, abis itu lari ke belakang sembunyi di kamar kosong gitu, YAH BARU SEMENIT UDAH KETAUAN.
taik bener.
abis itu ngumpet di kamar tidurnya spupu cowo gw yg bernama harry dan terry itu
gw sembunyi di bwah kolong meja belajar.
bahkan yg ngejer udah masuk kamar itu trus mondar mandir, gw samasekali gak ktauan.
abis itu gw mau keluar eh ada yang masuk gw lari smbunyi di bawah kolong ranjang tidur.
gak ktauan juga.
sayangnya udah hampir jam 4 gw harus mandi beres2 trus ke bandara.
eugh. di bandara juga gak enak. lama bener nunggunya
untunglah gw nyampe di jakarta selamat. soalnya pesawatnya gradakgruduk gitu pas nembus awan, gw jadi rada ngeri gitu. goyang parah lagi. untung itu cuma sebentar abis itu jalan seperti biasaa.. ternyata lebih lama dari yg gw kira jadi nyampe jakarta udah malem banget.
yah bgtu aja kalo udh ada fotonya ntar kalo bisa gw upload.
23 Januari 2009
bertambah 1 tahun dan teman2 tersayangss..
heii kawansss
saya berulangtahun yang ke 14.
haha. tepatnya sih jam 11 soalnya gw baru kluar dari perut nykap jam 11.
jadi hari ini tuuuhh..
gw bangun pagi yang super siang gara2 alarm mati jadi gw bangun jam 05.30.
tapi gw bodo amat. ahahahahha.
udah gitu pas masih tidur2 bentar eh dipeluk bokap 'happy birthday yah'
terus dateng nyokap meluk lagi ' happy birthday princess'
gw syok haha.
trus koko gw dateng 'WOI YANG ULANG TAON MANDI BURUAN'
pada akhirnya gw bangun mandi bermalas2an makan pagi terus tiup lilin cupcupmuahmuah berangkat ke sekolah..
pas nyampe sekolah. eugh rasanya berat banget nih hari.
tapiiiiiii.. pas masuk kelas
jo : .... ngantuk
jo : *terbangun dan kaget*
gaby dkk : happy birthday yah
hahaha gw terbangun untung aja nggak nabrak pintu. hahaha
terus bagi2 pin beruang super lucu. HOPE YOU GIRLS LIKE IT :]
udah gitu ternyata.. pas pelajaran inggris..
miss K. (MK) : hari ini gak jadi storytelling jadinya minggu dpan.
MK : tapi hari ini ulangan reading & listening
semua : *krikk..krik..* .........
terusterusterus.. diucapkan selamat ulang tahun oleh BUAAANYAAAKKK SEKALI orang
pas pulang gw diterjang steffi bdum. kaget banget sumpah
trus gw kayak keberatan gitu eh nabrak anak kelas 7 *maaf yah*
udah gitu pulang ke rumah.
oh yeah, 1 hal lagi.
saya berulangtahun yang ke 14.
haha. tepatnya sih jam 11 soalnya gw baru kluar dari perut nykap jam 11.
jadi hari ini tuuuhh..
gw bangun pagi yang super siang gara2 alarm mati jadi gw bangun jam 05.30.
tapi gw bodo amat. ahahahahha.
udah gitu pas masih tidur2 bentar eh dipeluk bokap 'happy birthday yah'
terus dateng nyokap meluk lagi ' happy birthday princess'
gw syok haha.
trus koko gw dateng 'WOI YANG ULANG TAON MANDI BURUAN'
pada akhirnya gw bangun mandi bermalas2an makan pagi terus tiup lilin cupcupmuahmuah berangkat ke sekolah..
pas nyampe sekolah. eugh rasanya berat banget nih hari.
tapiiiiiii.. pas masuk kelas
jo : .... ngantuk
jo : *terbangun dan kaget*
gaby dkk : happy birthday yah
hahaha gw terbangun untung aja nggak nabrak pintu. hahaha
terus bagi2 pin beruang super lucu. HOPE YOU GIRLS LIKE IT :]
udah gitu ternyata.. pas pelajaran inggris..
miss K. (MK) : hari ini gak jadi storytelling jadinya minggu dpan.
MK : tapi hari ini ulangan reading & listening
semua : *krikk..krik..* .........
terusterusterus.. diucapkan selamat ulang tahun oleh BUAAANYAAAKKK SEKALI orang
pas pulang gw diterjang steffi bdum. kaget banget sumpah
trus gw kayak keberatan gitu eh nabrak anak kelas 7 *maaf yah*
udah gitu pulang ke rumah.
oh yeah, 1 hal lagi.
22 Januari 2009
My LOVELIFE was like this :]
DAY 1 : first time know HIM :]
Ever since I fell in love, I can only see you
my heart is beating so fast
After meeting you, each day is exciting,
after meeting you, each day my heart greets with flutters
after meeting you, each day grows shorter
after meeting you, each day's end leaves me wistful
after meeting you, each day is mild and soft
after meeting you, each day is filled with happiness
after meeting you, I became a princess and,
after meeting you, I'm a happy girl
DAY 2 : why did i fall in love with you?
Why did I end up falling for you?
No matter how much time has passed
I still thought you were right here
But you've already chosen a different path
Why couldn't I call out to you at all?
Every day and night growing emotions
And words overflow
But I realized that
They'd never reach you again
Since that day I first met you
I felt like I already knew you
You and I melded into each other so smoothly
No matter to where, we'd go together
It was natural for me to be where you were
The two of us grew up together
But you've already chosen a different path
Why did I end up falling for you?
No matter how much time has passed
I still thought you were right here
Now we can't turn back
The special meaning held by this day
Today you stood with a happy expression
You looked beautiful while praying to God
But I wasn't the one next to you
And the image of you receiving blessings
Of that how could I let go?
Why did I end up falling for you?
How we were before
We can't return to it anymore
Why didn't I hold on to your hand?
No matter how much time has passed
You should've always been by my side
But still, even if you leave my side,
I'm only praying that you
May be happy for eternity
No matter how sad that would make me
No matter how lonely I am
DAY 3 : when it's over for a while.
My broken heart like a wave
My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
What is it about that person next to you, did she make you sad?
Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?
I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can't get close nor try to talk to you
I spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times
Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be able to live even one day without you
But somehow I managed to live on longer than I thought
You don't answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it's useless..
It’s not your fault those hands are freezing
Borne from those childish days, you carry the scars
Are you afraid to love someone?
You pretend not to see the other side of the words
Like ice, the embraced heart slowly starts to thaw
For anyone to be loved by someone,
Makes life in this world shine
If it was me, I’d make your heart warm once more
With eternal tenderness
Even if fate’s mischief pains the heart
On the other side of those tears,
A single ray of light will swoop down into the darkness
We know
As strong as the feeling of suffering, we can feel people’s warmth
Everyone is searching for a place
That can heal their sadness and loneliness
So… for you, that place is here
Don’t be afraid, don’t hesitate anymore, because I’ll protect you
My heart is pained
Because this love is so beautiful, don’t be afraid
Even if it’s just momentarily, I’ll let you know my love
This time is beautiful, you know… let you know my love..
SPECIAL THANKSS TO :Lee Hyun Ji, DBSK, Big Bang for this beautiful songs in my entire LOVELIFE :D
Ever since I fell in love, I can only see you
my heart is beating so fast
After meeting you, each day is exciting,
after meeting you, each day my heart greets with flutters
after meeting you, each day grows shorter
after meeting you, each day's end leaves me wistful
after meeting you, each day is mild and soft
after meeting you, each day is filled with happiness
after meeting you, I became a princess and,
after meeting you, I'm a happy girl
DAY 2 : why did i fall in love with you?
Why did I end up falling for you?
No matter how much time has passed
I still thought you were right here
But you've already chosen a different path
Why couldn't I call out to you at all?
Every day and night growing emotions
And words overflow
But I realized that
They'd never reach you again
Since that day I first met you
I felt like I already knew you
You and I melded into each other so smoothly
No matter to where, we'd go together
It was natural for me to be where you were
The two of us grew up together
But you've already chosen a different path
Why did I end up falling for you?
No matter how much time has passed
I still thought you were right here
Now we can't turn back
The special meaning held by this day
Today you stood with a happy expression
You looked beautiful while praying to God
But I wasn't the one next to you
And the image of you receiving blessings
Of that how could I let go?
Why did I end up falling for you?
How we were before
We can't return to it anymore
Why didn't I hold on to your hand?
No matter how much time has passed
You should've always been by my side
But still, even if you leave my side,
I'm only praying that you
May be happy for eternity
No matter how sad that would make me
No matter how lonely I am
DAY 3 : when it's over for a while.
My broken heart like a wave
My shaken heart like a wind
My heart vanished like smoke
It can't be removed like a tattoo
I sigh deeply as if a ground is going to cave in
Only dusts are piled up in my mind
What is it about that person next to you, did she make you sad?
Dear can you even see me, did you forget completely?
I am worried, I feel anxiety because I can't get close nor try to talk to you
I spend long nights by myself, erasing my thoughts a thousand times
Yeah, I thought I wouldn't be able to live even one day without you
But somehow I managed to live on longer than I thought
You don't answer anything as I cry out "I miss you"
I hope for a vain expectation but now it's useless..
It’s not your fault those hands are freezing
Borne from those childish days, you carry the scars
Are you afraid to love someone?
You pretend not to see the other side of the words
Like ice, the embraced heart slowly starts to thaw
For anyone to be loved by someone,
Makes life in this world shine
If it was me, I’d make your heart warm once more
With eternal tenderness
Even if fate’s mischief pains the heart
On the other side of those tears,
A single ray of light will swoop down into the darkness
We know
As strong as the feeling of suffering, we can feel people’s warmth
Everyone is searching for a place
That can heal their sadness and loneliness
So… for you, that place is here
Don’t be afraid, don’t hesitate anymore, because I’ll protect you
My heart is pained
Because this love is so beautiful, don’t be afraid
Even if it’s just momentarily, I’ll let you know my love
This time is beautiful, you know… let you know my love..
SPECIAL THANKSS TO :Lee Hyun Ji, DBSK, Big Bang for this beautiful songs in my entire LOVELIFE :D
udah mau bertambah 1 tahun.. :]
abis bingung sih mau nulis apa jadi yah mikir2 dulu.
menurut judul postingan kali ini..
gak kerasa 1 taon udh terlewat, gw aja masih inget pas ulang taon gw yang ke 13.
ehh sekarang udah mau 14. UHUKS UDAH TUA.
trus taon dpan 15, 16, 17, dst.
haha kok malah mikirin ultah ya
oh iya tadi ulangan biologi, gw kira bakalan susah banget bisa bikin pala puyeng lalala dsb itu.
bu dian : bagiin soalnya..
jo : *membagi soal*
jo : LHO? bujut kok bgini.. wehe bisa nih gue. wakakakk
terus mengerjakan sampai pada akhirnya menemukan soal...
sukrosa terdiri dari apa sama apa. pokoknya itu soalnya.
mulai bingung mikir2 dulu, trus mau jawab yang A. glukosa+glukosa
terus liat jawaban B. kalo gak salah glukosa + fruktosa ya?
yah pada akhir nasib sial gw jawab yang A.
terus pas diitung2 gw salah udah ada 5 dari 30 nomer.
mati gw.
itu aja diitung2 lagi udh dapet 8.
haduh stress banget sih hari ini.
terus tadi pelajaran OR ambil nilai yang jaga kseimbangan apalah itu namanya.
tahik kaki gw gmeteran. haha gak bisa kontrol
dulu pas kelas 7 tangan masih bisa ngontrol
sekarang kelas 8 tangan harus di belakang
ntar kelas 9 jalan sambil merem kali yah. hahahahha.
terus tadi pas pulang bener2 rasanya ngantuk banget.
gak tau knapa jadi ngantuuuuk aja.
kurang tidur kali yah.
yah udah deh sgini dulu. bingung juga mau post apa.
oh iya
telat brita banget sih gw. =.=v
jojo begok yah...
abis bingung sih mau nulis apa jadi yah mikir2 dulu.
menurut judul postingan kali ini..
gak kerasa 1 taon udh terlewat, gw aja masih inget pas ulang taon gw yang ke 13.
ehh sekarang udah mau 14. UHUKS UDAH TUA.
trus taon dpan 15, 16, 17, dst.
haha kok malah mikirin ultah ya
oh iya tadi ulangan biologi, gw kira bakalan susah banget bisa bikin pala puyeng lalala dsb itu.
bu dian : bagiin soalnya..
jo : *membagi soal*
jo : LHO? bujut kok bgini.. wehe bisa nih gue. wakakakk
terus mengerjakan sampai pada akhirnya menemukan soal...
sukrosa terdiri dari apa sama apa. pokoknya itu soalnya.
mulai bingung mikir2 dulu, trus mau jawab yang A. glukosa+glukosa
terus liat jawaban B. kalo gak salah glukosa + fruktosa ya?
yah pada akhir nasib sial gw jawab yang A.
terus pas diitung2 gw salah udah ada 5 dari 30 nomer.
mati gw.
itu aja diitung2 lagi udh dapet 8.
haduh stress banget sih hari ini.
terus tadi pelajaran OR ambil nilai yang jaga kseimbangan apalah itu namanya.
tahik kaki gw gmeteran. haha gak bisa kontrol
dulu pas kelas 7 tangan masih bisa ngontrol
sekarang kelas 8 tangan harus di belakang
ntar kelas 9 jalan sambil merem kali yah. hahahahha.
terus tadi pas pulang bener2 rasanya ngantuk banget.
gak tau knapa jadi ngantuuuuk aja.
kurang tidur kali yah.
yah udah deh sgini dulu. bingung juga mau post apa.
oh iya
telat brita banget sih gw. =.=v
jojo begok yah...
05 Januari 2009
Firts day in SCHOOL :]
gakk berasa udah masuk sekolaahh.. eurgh sumpah males abis...
berasaanya lamaaaaa banget.. graur pengen pulang mana masih ngantuk lagi =.=
pas masuk kelas masih pada tidur semua, bahkan si janice udh tidur pules banget di pojokan.. sumpah ngebetein abis. OKEH SEKARANG GW PENGEN TC. lebai .
pelajaran PKN semester ini bljr UUD lagi. LAGI . sampe eneg liatnya.
pas ekonomi mulai dah si AVATAR ngejayus lagi. eugh?
terus biar katanya nggak bosen diadain permaenan gtuh nemnya ORGANIZER. dari namanya sih lumayan.. aslinya.. BOSEN ABIS. yang ada gw cuma ngobrol2 aja sama si tessa. hehehe xP
teruss terruss.. bhs inggris kita ngobrol2 gitu. dikasih tugas storytelling terserah mau fairytale ato folktale.
dan yang paling ngebetein...
taaiiikkk bener nih pelajaran. mana hari jumat ulangan phytagoras. DAN NGGAK AKAN MUNGKIN TERJADI. knp ? soalnya ada gladiresik buat pensi di hari jumat. MAAF YA BU.
graur sebel sebel sebel.
hari ini pemilihan pengurus kelas. jong melepas jabatannya sebagai ketua kelass.. gw tau jong lu paling menantikan hari pergantian jabatan.
jadii hasil voting kelas =
selamat yah sudah dipercaya oleh satu kelas biar bisa ngurus kelas 81. semoga kalian bisa bertahan di kelas yang super acakkadul ini. KALIAN PASTI BISA KOK :D
berasaanya lamaaaaa banget.. graur pengen pulang mana masih ngantuk lagi =.=
pas masuk kelas masih pada tidur semua, bahkan si janice udh tidur pules banget di pojokan.. sumpah ngebetein abis. OKEH SEKARANG GW PENGEN TC. lebai .
pelajaran PKN semester ini bljr UUD lagi. LAGI . sampe eneg liatnya.
pas ekonomi mulai dah si AVATAR ngejayus lagi. eugh?
terus biar katanya nggak bosen diadain permaenan gtuh nemnya ORGANIZER. dari namanya sih lumayan.. aslinya.. BOSEN ABIS. yang ada gw cuma ngobrol2 aja sama si tessa. hehehe xP
teruss terruss.. bhs inggris kita ngobrol2 gitu. dikasih tugas storytelling terserah mau fairytale ato folktale.
dan yang paling ngebetein...
taaiiikkk bener nih pelajaran. mana hari jumat ulangan phytagoras. DAN NGGAK AKAN MUNGKIN TERJADI. knp ? soalnya ada gladiresik buat pensi di hari jumat. MAAF YA BU.
graur sebel sebel sebel.
hari ini pemilihan pengurus kelas. jong melepas jabatannya sebagai ketua kelass.. gw tau jong lu paling menantikan hari pergantian jabatan.
jadii hasil voting kelas =
WAKIL KETUA = VALERIE *get well soon yah val*
WAKIL KETUA = VALERIE *get well soon yah val*
selamat yah sudah dipercaya oleh satu kelas biar bisa ngurus kelas 81. semoga kalian bisa bertahan di kelas yang super acakkadul ini. KALIAN PASTI BISA KOK :D
04 Januari 2009
my first time blogging and my first post
gw bingung mau nulis apaan.. =.=v
first things first *apaacoba?*
first things first *apaacoba?*
you can call me JOJO or any nicknames you want.
this year i'm going to be 14 y.o
aquarius, garnet
Santa Ursula JHS 8.1/22
e-mail? ask me .
msn? ask me .
this year i'm going to be 14 y.o
aquarius, garnet
Santa Ursula JHS 8.1/22
e-mail? ask me .
msn? ask me .
yah sgitu aja dluu.. bweheheh.. xP
it's almost school days, can't wait!!!
it's almost school days, can't wait!!!
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