15 Juni 2010


i know this holiday seems like a boring one.
i need to wait my cousins, feels like waiting for a thousaaaaaaaaaaand years.
19th june, can't wait to see kyle hanagami!
and uhm, what else...
still waiting for 1 month until i come back to school :|
it's freaking boring, but it's okay. at least i'm having fun hehe

oh i missssssssssssssssss youuuuuuuuuuuuuu :*



01 Juni 2010

do fun at dufan :D

I'M SORRY I HAVEN'T POST RECENTLY. yes i'm having my holidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaays.
i've just arrived home this late. and wet because of the alskjdlaskjdlaskjdlksajd rain.
and yeah about the title... i have so much fun *and tiring* at dufan :9
*beralih ke bhs indonesia*
BANYAK SEKALI CERITA DAN SATU INSIDEN TADI. huh susah nanti kalo pke bhs ingg muehehe
yg paling seru apayah.. pas mau pulang hahaha ujan deres banget. serius. BANGET.
pikiran juga brenti.. ternyata ujan ga brenti akhirnya lari sambil ujan2an bersama gabrilla samsir, kevin julienne, dan nicholas franslay. gila.
aduh bener2 pegelnya kerasaaaaa skrg hedeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.
tapi seru kok :D LAEN KALI LAGI YUUUK *kalo hysteria udh jadi*


